Oct 27, 2021
We're looking through Series 1-3 in light of the Script Book release at the end of 2020. Picking up on things we missed first time round, and sharing new revelations (and ridiculous theories) brought to light by the books.
If you haven't heard our reaction episode to Private View, we recommend starting there:
Oct 5, 2021
We're looking through Series 1-3 in light of the Script Book release at the end of 2020. Picking up on things we missed first time round, and sharing new revelations (and ridiculous theories) brought to light by the books.
If you haven't heard our reaction episode to Diddle Diddle Dumpling, we recommend starting there:
Sep 23, 2021
We're looking through Series 1-3 in light of the Script Book release at the end of 2020. Picking up on things we missed first time round, and sharing new revelations (and ridiculous theories) brought to light by the books.
If you haven't heard our reaction episode to Empty Orchestra, we recommend starting there:
Sep 7, 2021
We're going back to looking through Series 1-3 in light of the Script Book release at the end of 2020. Picking up on things we missed first time round, and sharing new revelations brought to light by the books.
If you haven't heard our reaction episode to The Riddle of the Sphinx, we recommend starting there:
Aug 24, 2021
Thanks to everyone who sent in responses to the episode of series 6. We didn't manage to get to absolutely everything, but please know that we read everything that comes our way and really really appreciate the support and correspondence!
This is our traditional series wrap up episode as we reflect back on our favourite...